In September 2014, the French publishing house Les Éditions Denoël commissioned me to produce a press portfolio for Laurent Clerc, one of their authors.
Saving Joseph, Laurent Clerc's first novel, published by Les Éditions Denoël, is full of the religious humour. We decided to build our photoshoot around that concept.
For the location we successfully negotiated with Église de la Sainte-Trinité, a beautiful Roman Catholic church located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. Some of the secluded insides of the building were the perfect setting for a story similar in mood to Saving Joseph.
And then we rocked!
All the props come from the set itself! An amazing photographic (actually, location scouting) luck.
But the real photographer's luck was yet to come—the access to the roof! Laurent himself, despite being uncomfortable at heights, was brave and playful.
And we used the opportunity:
Bonus-track—playing around with some old instant photography formats:
I would like to sincerely thank the administration of Sainte-Trinité for their invaluable help with the project.